Markus Schaffer

Note: I screwed up the coding somehow. You'll have to click the X in the corner of the gallery to click off a selected image. Probably won't fix it either, so deal with it.
Extra Fun Facts
-Although Schaffer's disdain towards traditional European fantasy and related is well known, he still has a soft spot for 'Lord of the Rings', the Ralph Bakshi movie especially, along with Bakshi's 'Fire And Ice'.
-Schaffer is unaware that Gazpacho Soup is meant to be served cold. Ironically, this was the straw that broke the camel's back of his first relationship.
-Because I keep forgetting to mention these things, Schaffer is majoring in Computer Sciences, with Vigor studies and Sword History on the side.
Character Gallery
Don't got any art of this character yet. So y'know. Fuckin' close the tab. Jabroni.