What is a story without a central backdrop? I don't know, but if I did I'd probably have a better analogy to use for this opening line.
Anyways, Tough Breaker's primary backdrop is Upstate New York, taking place in a heavily fictionalized version of Westchester County known as Stonehale County. But to be even more precise, our main backdrop is...
Bright Plains, New York
Located on the boarder of Stonehale's upper southside.
Founded as a shanty town in the 19th Century by folks who got mixed up directions to the Westward Gold Rush, the failed goldpanners stuck together in their folly and turned this makeshift town on the fringes of the then unnamed Arcadia Valley River into a thriving community of it's own. And over the years it would grow into the epicenter of business and pleasure in the Stonehale County region. Some say it's size can even rival that of Midtown Manhattan!
If you're well to do or attending Fukatsu University, you're probably living here.

Fukatsu University
Nestled in the middle of the Arcadian Valley River on Edward's Island off the coast of Bright Plains lies Fukatsu University.
Home of the Hybrid Fighters football and Fujiwara Gumi baseball teams, Fukatsu U. is known for it's arts/science/combat programs and lively campus life composed of many Hot Blooded students. So whether you're majoring in Digital Arts or are studying the finer details of Hot Blooded Combat, there's always something to find going on the campus!
The school was established in 1967 by it's namesake founder, Masakage Fukatsu The 1st. A native of Bright Plains, world traveled educator and occasional prize fighter, he founded the university so he could shape the young minds of the world to a stronger tomorrow. Quite literally as well since Fukatsu was the first campus in the US to have curriculums dedicated to what would later be known as 'Vigor'.
For many years Funkatsu the 1st watched over the campus as it's Dean, ensuring his vision was kept alive. Although he was dedicated to his dream, his time as Dean would ultimately come to an end as he retired at age 70, passing away six years later due to natural causes. Following his death, his son Fukatsu the 2nd took up the mantle for the interim. You see while Fukatsu the 2nd was as smart as his father, he had dedicated his life to combat sports and Vigorous combat. Yet during that interim period, something called out to him to continue running the school.
It wasn't before long that Fukatsu the 2nd formally retired from combat sports to continue running Fukatsu University for the foreseeable future.