Rochelle LaChance

Note: I screwed up the coding somehow. You'll have to click the X in the corner of the gallery to click off a selected image. Probably won't fix it either, so deal with it.
Extra Fun Facts
-If it seems like Rochelle resembles a certain 'flighty broad' from a webcomic of a certain...let's say, controversial lineage...That's Totally On Purpose. Rochelle is one of several characters in my roster who's got inspirations from Homestuck. I make no bones about it. This is my version of SNK ripping off AKIRA for KOF, minus the lawsuit and subsequent K'999 erasure which itself was a long con joke. Besides, she's different enough from Rose for it to be ok. It's not like they're literally 1;1. No shame in wearing your inspirations on your sleeves, kids!
-Rochelle has been around the Tough Breaker roster since the original High School era. However she was much different then as she was not only white (!!), but she was initially working as a heel. She was to be introduced as a Swordswoman who was apart of an underground fighting tournament that was being held by a biker gang looking for their next leader. However she had much more wicked intentions for the gang, because had she won, she would've used the lifeforce of the other members to resurrect her dead mother. Funny how things like that change, eh?
-Rochelle started to wear her now trademark rubber suit as part of her regular outfit following a theater gig she took during her Gap Year. It was some low-budget sci-fi piece that she only took because they were the only people to call her back. The suit itself was part of her character's costume, but she found herself wearing it more and more during her free time. This particular acting experiece itself was whatever, but if there anything good to come out of it, it was Rochelle's new found love for the look of rubber.
Character Gallery
-Don't got any art of this character yet. So y'know. Fuckin' close the tab. Jabroni.