Modern Retroism

Does this really count as a Mechanic? I don't know, but I gotta put it somewhere!
Anyways, something I like to give each of my words is a unique aesthetic of it's own, even if it's something that doesn't encompass the entire world or play a major part in the story. Set-dressing and what not. One of my stronger skills surprisingly.
Hi-Striker has it's unique brand of Clown aesthetic, Strikerpunk. Where as Tough Breaker has an aesthetic that only applies to the technology in it's world and some graphic design elements here and. We call that 'Modern Retroism'.
The short end of if it this: While technology advanced in a manner that's basically the same as our own world, aesthetically things have not progressed beyond the late 90's/early 2000's. Meaning the world of Tough Breaker is one where beige computers are still a regular norm, where flat-panel TVs still got junk in the trunk and all sorts of tech have chunky, clicky buttons n' greeblies like god intended. I guess the same can also apply the world at large, with things like brands having a decidedly 90's look to it.
Does this serve any narrative importance? Or is this some kind of Right Wing dog-whistle ala those gaudy 'They Took This From You' pics of some fake lookin' 80/90's nostalgia room?
Nope! Of course not! Not everything in a story HAS to have deeper meaning. Sometimes you gotta let a roller coaster be a roller coaster. And Tough Breaker IS a roller coaster. If you're expecting Shakespeare, you're in the wrong place.
Hell, I'm not even writing Marlowe...Anyways, hover over the pics for a li'l info tidbit! More to be added over time!